These rates are no longer available for new service. If you are already using pay-per-use rates and would like to remain on this plan, please see our pricing below.
If you'd like to compare our new plans, or are a new Ting Mobile Customer, check out Ting Mobile's new plans.
These rates are no longer available for new service.
Ting voice and text usage on our pay-per-use rates is billed for both outgoing and incoming usage.
A separate data plan is not required. You only pay for what you use.
If you place a call to another Ting user, both users are billed for the call because two parties are accessing the network. If both users are on the same account, a call that lasted 5 minutes will result in 10 minutes total billed on that account.
There is no charge for voice or text roaming while you're within the United States. There may be some additional charges for international use if you travel internationally.
Data roaming in the United States is not available while using Ting's pay-for-what-you-use plan.